Friday, October 30, 2009

Cloudy Birder's Day

After work today my Dad & I headed up to Hawk Mountain. Unfortunatly, it wasn't a great day for seeing birds (we saw a lot of Cedar Waxwings, a group of seven turkey vultues, [second picture, look hard] and a falcon) or for pictures. There was only about five birders, including myself, up at North Lookout. I talked a while with an older gentlemen, he was really sweet. Said it was nice to see someone so passionate for something (my photography). Something he said caught my ears, "Some of the most boring people I know are considering to be the 'coolest'." Think on that one for a while.


Sandie said...

Wow! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Simply gorgeous, Sara!!