Monday, October 5, 2009

Creeks and Fungi

Every year we go to a Homeschooler Outdoor Education day at a local camp. It's always a lot of fun, learning in the morning and then hayrides, row boats and canoes in the afternoon. I always love to wander around camp finding all the interesting things in the woods, like this fungi. - Plus the gorgeous scenes beside the creek!

Like the new blog look? I re-did the header and theme for fall, hope you like it!


Rachel Kimberly said...

Yeah, I love the new look!

Sandie said...

I LOVE the top picture!!! It's beautiful. :D

Leah said...

OH I LOVE IT!!! I feel like I am saying the EXACT same thing every time.. all well.

Random question here...what kind of a camera do you have?

Sara said...

Thank you everyone! :)

Leah - I use a Sony Alpha A100. (With an 18-70mm & 75-300mm lens) I really like it, I've had it for about two years!