Monday, April 27, 2009

These guys are so pretty, they're completely in their summer plumage now and they stand out! That combined with the green trees and hills are making for such a refreshing spring. Although it was close to 90 degree's today, yuck!


Leah said...

90 degrees! Can I come and live with you?! I don't think it got above 50 here. It rained a good portion of the day on Sat. and all day on Sun. so everything is wet! Burr...

Beautiful picture though!! I love looking at these little birds. It is so wonderful to know that our Lord God loves and cares for these little guys! And if He love and cares for them, how much more does He love us?!

Sara said...

Let's just switch, lol. I'll take a snowstorm over this any day! It's supposed to go back down into the 50s, thank goodness!