Thursday, December 31, 2009

Winter Wonderland

It was a snowy wonderland outside today! I woke up to a few fresh inches (totally unexspected!) and our wonderful houseguest (who loves driving around on country roads) took me and my sister out for some pictures. We went around the township, it was a load of fun! We've got a lot of diversity in scenics around here, I like it. Have a happy New Year everyone!


Chelsea said...

What BEAUTIFUL pictures!! We are just now starting our snow here in OH... :)

Cayla said...

Oh, wow, they're gorgeous! I especially love the first. Snow+evergreens just gets me every time.

Anonymous said...

LOVE them all. Can you send a few inches of snow my way?! =)

Sara said...

Thank you! Evergreens and snow are a wonderful mix, the bright greens and whites? Love it!
annnd I'd send some snow if we had some, sadly most of it has melted away. :(

Les Barr said...

You have some nice Photographs. I especially like the one with the Pond in the forground.

Reading, PA