Thursday, January 7, 2010


After dropping off our entries at the Farm show, I was able to stop at the Wildwood Nature Center for about an hour. The trails were incredibly icey, and there wasn't many birds out. This little guy (who I think is a Fox or Song Sparrow, I could be totally off) was one of the few I saw!


Rachel Kimberly said...

Oh, cute! The only birds that will let me get close to them are chickadees. Since I don't have a zoom lens, I have to be REALLY close to get pictures of animals and birds, which is difficult.

Great shot!

Chelsea said...

Awwww! It is soo cute! :) You did an awesome job taking the photo! :)

Cayla said...

Lovely photo!
And I think I lean Song on this one--with the nice clear eye-line and not quite enough rufous.

Sara said...

Okay, thanks!
And thanks for the kind words everyone!