Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I love the view we have from my deck, it's so wide and vast. It makes for pretty awesome panoramic when the weather is neat. the clouds were really funky this afternoon, you can see where it was raining and where it wasn't yet. (The split is in the middle.) Here's a larger version if you'd like to see it closer-up.


Anonymous said...

That is SO cool! Love the amazing color. It looks like it's moving... great capture!

Chelsea said...

Wow!!! I absolutely LOVE that picture!!! I really, REALLY like storms and that is like a sight that I love to see. :)
It is a wonderful picture. :)

Leah said...

How do you get such a big picture? :)

Elizabeth J. said...

Very, very, neat. By the way, I think this is my first visit to your blog (I found your blog through a link on Kaycee's blog.) If you have a moment, drop by my blog (Footprints in the Sand is my personal blog).

Sara said...

Thanks everyone!
& Leah - It's not hard at all. It's four pictures combined together. I'll have to do a tutorial on it some day!
& Elizabeth - Thanks, I follow your blog. It's really neat!

Leah said...

Yes, you will HAVE to do a tutorial on it!! Please?!